Tips on getting strong and healthy nails

Teddy Grace's tips for strong and healthy nails.

Of course, healthy nails make our job as nail technicians easier. We want your nails to look as gorgeous as possible between appointments so here are some tips to getting strong and healthy nails. 

  1. Nutrients- We know that a healthy balanced diet benefits us in many ways, but it eating the right nutrients will also help your nails strength. When our body is deficient in certain nutrients our nails can pay the price.
  2. Moisturise cuticles- Use a cuticle oil/balm to keep them healthy, think of your cuticles as a protective layer. When the protective layer gets damages you are more susceptible to infections and damaged nail beds. 
  3. Have regular manicures by a professional that doesn’t use electric files. These files are often used far too aggressively on the nail, filing down too much nail leaves them weak and brittle. 
  4. STOP biting them! So many of us have an annoying nail-biting habit, it can stem from boredom and nerves. There are so many products on the market aimed at helping you kick it to the curb. 
  5. Vitamins- Leading on from the first tip, you can actually buy vitamins that are tailored to keeping your nails and hair healthy.
  6. Wear gloves while washing up or doing the garden. Too much excess water can soften the nails causing them to bend/break and the same with using our hands too much without wearing gloves. How many times have you broken or chipped a nail with a heavy hand and lack of gloves? 

Like hair, nails can be a tell-tale sign of other things going on inside our bodies. If you are struggling with nail texture/colour changes or any other suspect changes we recommend mentioning it to your doctor.

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